Within Orb Episode 54 with Alberto Forero

Astrologer Alberto Forero joins host Jenn Zahrt from San Francisco, California to offer a myriad of astrology texts, bolstered by his Gemini sense of curiosity! In this comprehensive chat, Alberto and Jenn cover some wonderful territory, including: fixed stars and constellations; bringing astronomy into astrology; the Uranus/North Node conjunction in Taurus; symbolism and metaphors; when astrology went underground; balancing temperament; physiognomy and cultural biases; astro charts with thumbprint patterns; Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta; sensitive degrees; extending ephemerides; a hypothetical map of astro migration and data visualization; fantasteroids; creating degree symbols; and geomancy. Plus: rethinking book cover designs, reporting from humanity’s living room, and… a degree system based on David Bowie albums!

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Within Orb Episode 38 with Tamaryn

Astrologer and musician Tamaryn joins host Jenn Zahrt from Half Moon Bay, California, to share about books, music, and more! Join the two for a conversation that covers: the heliacal rising star and setting star; locating your place in the universe; lightning bolt moments; the appearance of the new “star” in Cygnus; astrological magic; Uranus in Taurus and Gemini; the chart as (eyeball) art; how the optic nerve connects with the idea of translation of light; humans as fractals of light who are building consciousness; where astrology and the tree of life come together; and the acorn theory. Plus: The Little Prince, tactile immersion and transmission, and… the more you know, the more you know you don’t know!

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Within Orb Episode 27 with J. M. Hamade

Astrologer, artist, and author J.M. Hamade joins host Jenn Zahrt as they set their sights on a tour through astrology books from cultures around the world! Navigate by the stars, as the two discuss: astrologies (plural!), deep time questions, lunar mansions, stories of the Vedic deities and nakshatras, bibliomancy, embodied stars, the 260-day Mayan calendar, star treading, and more. Plus: the roller coaster of our life, spontaneous mental gymnastics, and a two-Jennifers analogy!

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