Within Orb Episode 42 with Gray Crawford

Astrologer and teacher Gray Crawford is partile to host Jenn Zahrt this week! Join the Olympia, Washington almost-neighbors, as they chat about books and more, including: Kairos time and Chronos time; the Lots of Daimon and Fortune; theurgy and astrological magic; zodiacal releasing; layers of determinism versus cosmic creation as participatory; the idea of astrological transformation; the birth chart as an altar; secondary progressed-to-progressed combinations; archetypal timing structures; how to talk to clients; eclipse families, the Saros cycle, and midpoint theory; and parans and projected degrees. Plus: gateway books, astrological piano scarves, and … which ephemeris would you bring?

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Within Orb Episode 38 with Tamaryn

Astrologer and musician Tamaryn joins host Jenn Zahrt from Half Moon Bay, California, to share about books, music, and more! Join the two for a conversation that covers: the heliacal rising star and setting star; locating your place in the universe; lightning bolt moments; the appearance of the new “star” in Cygnus; astrological magic; Uranus in Taurus and Gemini; the chart as (eyeball) art; how the optic nerve connects with the idea of translation of light; humans as fractals of light who are building consciousness; where astrology and the tree of life come together; and the acorn theory. Plus: The Little Prince, tactile immersion and transmission, and… the more you know, the more you know you don’t know!

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Within Orb Episode 32 with Daniel Norman

Astrologer and podcaster Daniel Norman slides up the West Coast from LA to join host Jenn Zahrt for a vibrant and fast-paced conversation about books and more! Join them as they discuss: intercepted signs; the lord of the orb; dwar and Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions; the bound ruler of a degree; the hierarchical weighting of essential dignities (or are they equal?); the fantasteroid way; jumping in the deep end of the astrological pool; and thinking about culturally determined significations. All that, plus: Bruce Springsteen, the juicy astrological house debate, and book genies!

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