Within Orb Episode 54 with Alberto Forero

Astrologer Alberto Forero joins host Jenn Zahrt from San Francisco, California to offer a myriad of astrology texts, bolstered by his Gemini sense of curiosity! In this comprehensive chat, Alberto and Jenn cover some wonderful territory, including: fixed stars and constellations; bringing astronomy into astrology; the Uranus/North Node conjunction in Taurus; symbolism and metaphors; when astrology went underground; balancing temperament; physiognomy and cultural biases; astro charts with thumbprint patterns; Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta; sensitive degrees; extending ephemerides; a hypothetical map of astro migration and data visualization; fantasteroids; creating degree symbols; and geomancy. Plus: rethinking book cover designs, reporting from humanity’s living room, and… a degree system based on David Bowie albums!

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Within Orb Episode 30 with Sam Oakwell

Astrologer Sam Oakwell joins host Jenn Zahrt this week from the heady clime of Ann Arbor, Michigan! Sam and Jenn sit down for a chat about books and more, including: ancient Atlantean astrology; the soul moving through signs; astrological divination; profections, firdaria, and primary directions; a stochastic philosophical approach; astrological magic; planetary rituals; phenomenology; embodiment and lived experience; and a new way to view chart remediation. Plus: hanging with Santa Cruz hippies, a bridge to the future, and… there’s nothing wrong with your chart!

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Within Orb Episode 23 with David Leskowitz

Astrologer and author David Leskowitz sits down with host Jenn Zahrt to chat about centaurs, asteroids, and books! Learn about: using the Davison chart with centaurs; the outer planets and humanity’s readiness to work with that archetype; stationary Vesta in Aquarius; a Pholus story; when the planetary symbol and the poetic symbol coalesce; relocating a progressed chart; black holes; bibliomantic divination, and more! Plus: when the planetary gods find you; Bucky Fuller’s geodesic dome; and… are we our parents’ transits crystallized in human form?

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