Within Orb Episode 50 with Drew Levanti

Astrologer and educator Drew Levanti joins host Jenn Zahrt from San Francisco, California to touch base about astrology (and non-astrology) books! The pair cover a lot of ground, including: following Jupiter lines in hindsight; jumping into the deep end of the book pool; the presence of a chorus of ancestors and a loosing of the bond; how elements can mix in different proportions; letting the silence fill us; how 9/11 transformed ideologies around death; coming apart and coming together; death charts as the birth of the afterlife; time twins; termination versus inception; the Orphic Hymns; the importance of remembering the soul discourse; and a bounty of cemetery stories. Plus: tightrope walkers, shell mounds and the Albany Bulb, and… a tender story about organ donation!

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Within Orb Episode 36 with Erica Jones

Astrologer and teacher Erica Jones joins host Jenn Zahrt from Vashon Island, Washington for a conversation about books and more! Take the elevator to meet this duo, and hear about: archetypal astrology; how philosophy and astrology hold hands; the parable of two suitors; responding, not reacting; the thrill of discovery; Moon planting; delicate empiricism; Neptune as a place that’s not literal; how memory is a creative act; starting where what astrologers agree; and Mars-Pluto suggestions. Plus: the numinous, a mic drop moment, and… no mechanical metaphors allowed!

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Within Orb Episode 30 with Sam Oakwell

Astrologer Sam Oakwell joins host Jenn Zahrt this week from the heady clime of Ann Arbor, Michigan! Sam and Jenn sit down for a chat about books and more, including: ancient Atlantean astrology; the soul moving through signs; astrological divination; profections, firdaria, and primary directions; a stochastic philosophical approach; astrological magic; planetary rituals; phenomenology; embodiment and lived experience; and a new way to view chart remediation. Plus: hanging with Santa Cruz hippies, a bridge to the future, and… there’s nothing wrong with your chart!

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