Within Orb Episode 55 with Fernanda Paiva

Astrologer and teacher Fernanda Paiva joins host Jenn Zahrt from São Paulo, Brazil to discuss astrology books galore and more! Tune in for this enjoyable chat, which includes: when “wrong” charts work; synchronicity; the living symbols; Neptune transits; bending the rules of starcraft; the defense mechanisms of the planets; forecasting and secondary progressions; astrology throughout history; the upcoming Saturn-Neptune conjunction and the recent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction; deep time twins; underrated beginner books; chart synthesis; and how tarot complements astrology. Plus: mutable ICs, umami astrology, and… your classmates as your secondary progressions!

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Within Orb Episode 36 with Erica Jones

Astrologer and teacher Erica Jones joins host Jenn Zahrt from Vashon Island, Washington for a conversation about books and more! Take the elevator to meet this duo, and hear about: archetypal astrology; how philosophy and astrology hold hands; the parable of two suitors; responding, not reacting; the thrill of discovery; Moon planting; delicate empiricism; Neptune as a place that’s not literal; how memory is a creative act; starting where what astrologers agree; and Mars-Pluto suggestions. Plus: the numinous, a mic drop moment, and… no mechanical metaphors allowed!

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Within Orb Episode 29 with Karen Hawkwood

Astrologer, author, and teacher Karen Hawkwood joins host Jenn Zahrt this week! The duo takes parallel tracks to arrive at a conversation filled with books and more, including: the history of Kepler College; living conversations in written form; sly Neptune steering the chat to evade description; the drop going back to the ocean; existential yearning; the true medicine of the sixth house; the beauty and necessity of defenses; and Saturn and Chiron. Plus: mermaid wrangling, paradox, and… is building a Neptunian shelter a good choice or a terrible one??

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