Within Orb Episode 50 with Drew Levanti

Astrologer and educator Drew Levanti joins host Jenn Zahrt from San Francisco, California to touch base about astrology (and non-astrology) books! The pair cover a lot of ground, including: following Jupiter lines in hindsight; jumping into the deep end of the book pool; the presence of a chorus of ancestors and a loosing of the bond; how elements can mix in different proportions; letting the silence fill us; how 9/11 transformed ideologies around death; coming apart and coming together; death charts as the birth of the afterlife; time twins; termination versus inception; the Orphic Hymns; the importance of remembering the soul discourse; and a bounty of cemetery stories. Plus: tightrope walkers, shell mounds and the Albany Bulb, and… a tender story about organ donation!

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Within Orb Episode 15 with Lars Panaro

Astrologer and musician Lars Panaro sits down with CAELi’s founder, Jenn Zahrt, for a wide-ranging chat: from astrology and music, to flipping the zodiac, to cookbook delineations, to Dorotheus’s sibling technique, to Mars and theology (do they go together?), to hope and lack as two sides of the same coin. All that, plus: the Lot of Absence, being in the trenches, and… are we all being hazed by the past??

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