Within Orb Episode 49 with Heather Roan Robbins

Astrologer and author Heather Roan Robbins joins host Jenn Zahrt from Ronan, Montana! Lend your ears as these two pals connect about books and more, including: the pattern and rhythm of the natal chart; Llewellyn George, founder of the first Portland School of Astrology; worldwide myths and fairy tales as an intro to the cosmos; choice-based astrology; how you can’t escape your chart, but you can evolve it; planetary handoffs and the relay race of the birth chart; third house struggles; lived, direct planetary experience and learning; the importance of knowing how to draw a chart; the evolution of astrology; myths, repetition, and iterations of the same pattern; and celestial remedies, paths, and lessons. Plus: potato stamps, telephone operators masquerading as astrologers, and… Heather’s new book drops on June 11!

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Within Orb Episode 7 with Aerin Fogel

Meet astrologer and musician Aerin Fogel, as she joins host Jenn Zahrt this week! Tune in to hear Aerin’s unique book picks, which are music to our ears. Learn all about how music and astrology are intertwined for Aerin – and enjoy a clip from her new album, “Year 8”! Plus: Venus Fest (hint: it’s not necessarily about women!); a life-affirming, shared sense of awe; and… are Capricorns always on schedule?

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