Astrologer Sam Oakwell joins host Jenn Zahrt this week from the heady clime of Ann Arbor, Michigan! Sam and Jenn sit down for a chat about books and more, including: ancient Atlantean astrology; the soul moving through signs; astrological divination; profections, firdaria, and primary directions; a stochastic philosophical approach; astrological magic; planetary rituals; phenomenology; embodiment and lived experience; and a new way to view chart remediation. Plus: hanging with Santa Cruz hippies, a bridge to the future, and… there’s nothing wrong with your chart!
Continue readingWithin Orb Episode 29 with Karen Hawkwood
Astrologer, author, and teacher Karen Hawkwood joins host Jenn Zahrt this week! The duo takes parallel tracks to arrive at a conversation filled with books and more, including: the history of Kepler College; living conversations in written form; sly Neptune steering the chat to evade description; the drop going back to the ocean; existential yearning; the true medicine of the sixth house; the beauty and necessity of defenses; and Saturn and Chiron. Plus: mermaid wrangling, paradox, and… is building a Neptunian shelter a good choice or a terrible one??
Continue readingWithin Orb Episode 28 with Bear Ryver
Award-winning astrologer Bear Ryver joins host Jenn Zahrt with tin can phone in hand from Olympia, WA! Together, the CAELi colleagues cover: book terrain, elemental imbalances, fixed stars, firdaria, Jupiter in Taurus, Sabian symbols, observational astronomy, degree theory, the Boomer-Millennial Saturn/Uranus connection, and more. All that, plus: dial-up modems, Battlestar Galactica philosophy, and… learning that dinner doesn’t always have to be an accomplishment!
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