Astrologer and herbalist Dana Conner joins host Jenn Zahrt from Palm Springs, California to cover books and more! Tune in as Dana and Jenn chat about: being the author of your own destiny; wise words regarding temperament from Dr. Lee Lehman; how our charts are where we start, not where we finish; herbalism and spagyrics; prediction and zodiacal releasing; timelines and publication histories; career changes and cosmic insight; doing research at CAELi, yay!; Thea Anderson on the astrology of convict leasing in Sugar Land, TX; a question about mundane astrology, answered; and “the REAL only astrology book you actually will ever need,” lol! Plus: copious fun facts, Scorpio lore, and… mothers of the astrologers for the win!
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Song “Wake Up” used with permission by The E-Block Band.
Episode timestamps (conversation recorded May 2024):
00:31 – Dana Conner is an astrology enthusiast, whose professional career started as a production makeup artist and pop-up mystical arts shop in San Diego. Years later, using zodiacal releasing timing, she started a totally new career; today, she is a Director of Contracts at a communications technology firm in San Diego, CA. While her current profession isn’t related to the field of astrology, she applies her occupational craft in the way she reads charts – like a contract. Dana’s current interest is the astrology techniques used in spagyrics, while always watching for patterns to time her next breakthrough.
01:00 – Astrology entered Dana’s life through newspaper horoscope columns (#Scorpio)! She then started picking up astrological texts, including Linda Goodman’s Love Signs.
04:37 – If Dana were stranded on a deserted island, the first book she would pack would be The Illustrated Picatrix, translated by John Michael Greer and Christopher Warnock. Dana hopes that this one will help get her off the island!
06:01 – The second title that Dana would bring is the massive Green Mysteries: An Occult Herbarium by Daniel Schulke. This book would help teach Dana about plant life on the island, and perhaps help pave the way if healing is needed.
06:51 – Dana’s third selection is Temperament: Astrology’s Forgotten Key by Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum. This text is related to medical astrology and would help Dana understand health aspects and key personality characteristics.
10:33 – Sneaking in a fourth book, with a titan from another era! Dana gives a hat tip to The Scope of Astrological Prediction: An Introduction to the Dynamic Horoscopy by Marc Edmund Jones. Will this one help predict when the rescue boat will arrive? One can only hope! (And Jones’s Essentials of Astrological Analysis and Horary Astrology also make the list.)
17:43 – As a bonus, Dana also mentions the Celestial Arts Education Library’s new journal, The CAELi Review! This full-color quarterly journal is packed with interesting articles, including Thea Anderson’s excellent “The Imperial 95: An Astrological Excavation of Convict Leasing in Sugar Land, Texas.” And listen to Thea on Episode 1 of Within Orb: Thea Anderson: Making the Mundane Magical! (Note: CAELi members receive The CAELi Review quarterly print journal as part of their membership – woot!)
21:45 – Interlude: Join CAELi and snag yourself a Saturn stress-relief ball. (Yes, you read that right!)
22:31 – For beginners, Dana’s recommendations include: Planets in Transit by Robert Hand, The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology by April Elliott Kent, and The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk. Also, as a student in Jenn’s intensive beginners’ class, Dana appreciated Jenn’s suggestions: Tetrabiblos by Claudius Ptolemy, Christian Astrology by William Lilly, and On the Heavenly Spheres by Helena Avelar and Luis Ribeiro.
28:37 – Find Dana at her website: www.DanaConner.com. She also hangs out on Facebook and Instagram, too!
28:59 – Thanks for listening to Within Orb! If you love the show, please help support it at no cost to you: Follow or subscribe wherever you listen, rate it five stars, or write a happy review! And if you’d like to become a CAELi member or support our work with a contribution of any amount, we’d be delighted – thanks!
Show notes by Jen Braun, JJ Boots Productions LLC.
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