Within Orb Episode 77 with Alexander Baker

Astrologer and writer Alexander Baker joins host Jenn Zahrt from Pittsburgh, PA to chat books and more! Rise above the horizon and join the duo for a conversation covering: the decans and faces; fixed stars; divinatory systems; secondary, tertiary, and converse progressions; humanistic roots, and more. Plus: tossing coins in the fountain, less is more, and space-time synesthesia!

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Within Orb Episode 56 with Kathy Rose

Astrologer, teacher, and lecturer Kathy Rose joins host Jenn Zahrt to chat books and more! Hop into your proverbial purple chair, and tune in to hear all about: doing astrological research in elementary school; the humanistic approach to star stuff (and a possible resurgence!); why planets don’t “do” things to us; being mindful of the many ways to approach astrology; breaking free from hard-core rules; one-session empowerment; advancing the field with new ideas; unaspected planets; paying attention to the quality of a moment; Frank Clifford’s idea of “Mercury fatigue”; the value of accumulated experience; readings versus consultations; the ethics of telling the future, and the importance of chart synthesis. Plus: past life regression, warm memories and stories of astrologer Noel Tyl, and… how many measurements do you need??

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Within Orb Episode 44 with Sarah L’Hrar

Astrologer and teacher Sarah L’Hrar joins host Jenn Zahrt from Montreal, Québec in Canada to cover books, imaginary BFF authors, and more! Tune in to hear all about: astral themes and evolutionary possibility; the roots of karmic astrology; Mars-ing all over someone (oops!); “minor” aspects; humanistic astrology; astrological osmosis and receiving authors’ personality in textual form; words as beautiful access points to something more; the perfect birth chart aspect for an astrologer; Kabbalistic astrology; the coolest Middle Ages rock-and-roll astro dude; the beans and rice of books!; and the Yod formation. Plus: know thyself (then duck!), the Nixon administration, and falling in friendship!

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