Within Orb Episode 53 with Amanda Moreno

Astrologer and educator Amanda Moreno joins host Jenn Zahrt from Seattle, Washington to chat books and more! Tune in for a wide-ranging discussion, which includes: astrology, magic, and shamanism; using star stuff to address worldwide issues; the evolution of human thought; planets squaring the nodes as skipped steps; tackling what we’d rather not look at; visions of Lilith; the archetypes of the zodiac; past- and early-life healing and shadow integration work; living in a time of great change and collective liberation; time as multidimensional; and understanding the biases of our craft. All that, plus: buying Aquarian posters at a teen hot spot, Italian restaurant bathrooms, and… can astrology tap into future lives??

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Within Orb Episode 25 with Adam Elenbaas

Astrologer, author, and teacher Adam Elenbaas joins host Jenn Zahrt to chat books, astrology, ayahuasca, and more! In this episode: Sun signs as the astrology gateway; horary and conditions against judgment; serial reading to understand a text anew; astrology as a form of divination; and leaning into Hellenistic with a modern twist. Plus: wrong charts that work, Saturn in your ears, and the Lord of the Rings!

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Within Orb Episode 10 with Adam Sommer

Astrologer and podcaster Adam Sommer hops across the pond and sits down with host and literary midwife Jenn Zahrt to chat books, podcasting, and how to trojan horse astrology into your grey matter! Come build a fort with giant astrology books and enjoy some meandering detours: how old-school telephones were once used to record Adam’s podcast in the days of yore (his 13-year-old show was originally called Exploring Astrology, and is now called Astrology & the Hermetic Arts: Holes to Heavens); starting things while Venus is retrograde; living in Liz Greene’s backyard; and footnoting Saturn’s sense of humor.

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