Within Orb Episode 27 with J. M. Hamade

Astrologer, artist, and author J.M. Hamade joins host Jenn Zahrt as they set their sights on a tour through astrology books from cultures around the world! Navigate by the stars, as the two discuss: astrologies (plural!), deep time questions, lunar mansions, stories of the Vedic deities and nakshatras, bibliomancy, embodied stars, the 260-day Mayan calendar, star treading, and more. Plus: the roller coaster of our life, spontaneous mental gymnastics, and a two-Jennifers analogy!

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Song “Wake Up” used with permission by The E-Block Band.



Episode timestamps (conversation recorded June 2023):


00:31 – J.M. is a talismanic artist, florist, diviner, writer, and teacher who lives in New York City. He approaches astrology in an “imagistic” and imaginative way, while seeking to bridge contemporary aesthetics with time tested magical techniques rooted in astrological magic. J.M. wrote commentary for and illustrated the book Shams al-Ma’arif: The Sun of Knowledge, An Arabic Grimoire: A Selected Translation by Ahmad ibn ‘Ali al-Buni and translated from the Arabic by Amina Inloes, PhD.


05:57 – The first books that helped J.M. enter astrology-land were also philosophical texts: The Light of Egypt by Thomas H. Burgoyne and The Holy Science by Sri Yukteswar Giri. Other formative books that got him thinking about deeper cycles of time and lost civilizations were Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth’s Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock and The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids by Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert.


13:45 – If J.M. were stuck in a cave in a fjord, what books would he bring along? First up: Nakshatra: The Authentic Heart of Vedic Astrology by Vic DiCara. Lunar mansions are J.M.’s thing, and this text digs into the mythology around the deities associated with the nakshatras.


20:46 – J.M’s second choice is Babylonian Star-Lore: An Illustrated Guide to the Star-Lore and Constellations of Ancient Babylonia by Gavin White. Each read brings a new insight!


22:23 – Interlude: Join CAELi  and snag yourself a Saturn stress-relief ball. (Yes, you read that right!)


25:53 – Thirdly, J.M would pack Star Gods of the Maya: Astronomy in Art, Folklore, and Calendars by Susan Milbrath. This one is near and dear to his heart because the Mexican side of J.M.’s family is from Yucatán. He considers this academic text the bible for Mayan astrology.


30:59 – J.M. also has two runner-up books! One is Mayan Calendar Astrology: Mapping Your Inner Cosmos by Kenneth Johnson… with the caveat that this is from an outsider’s perspective! But it’s a good book to get into Mesoamerican astrology. The second shout-out book is Pacing the Void: T’ang Approaches to the Stars by Edward H. Schaefer. This one offers info on star stepping and the T’ang dynasty in China; it’s as much a study of poetry as it is a study of stars.


40:27 – J.M.’s recommendations for beginners? For Mesoamerican astrology, the previously mentioned Mayan Calendar Astrology and Star Gods of the Maya. Demetra George’s Astrology and the Authentic Self was a great formative book for J.M., so he suggests that one. For Vedic astrology and lunar mansion info, check out the earlier mention of Nakshatra: The Authentic Heart of Vedic Astrology. For lunar mansions, fixed stars, and their magical applications, read Christopher Warnock’s books. And last by not least, check out J.M.’s book: Shams al-Ma’arif: The Sun of Knowledge, An Arabic Grimoire: A Selected Translation by Ahmad ibn ‘Ali al-Buni and translated from the Arabic by Amina Inloes, PhD, with commentary and illustrations by J.M. Hamade.


42:22 – Thanks for listening to Within Orb! If you love the show, please help support it at no cost to you: Follow or subscribe wherever you listen, rate it five stars, or write a happy review! And if you’d like to become a CAELi member or support our work with a contribution of any amount, we’d be delighted – thanks!


Show notes by Jen Braun, JJ Boots Productions LLC.

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1 Comment

  1. […] 18:42 – Bear’s third selection is about lunar mansions and more: Shams al-Ma’arif: The Sun of Knowledge, An Arabic Grimoire: A Selected Translation by Ahmad ibn ‘Ali al-Buni and translated from the Arabic by Amina Inloes, PhD, with commentary and illustrations by J.M. Hamade. (And check out episode 27 from last week, J.M. Hamade: A Starry Tour Guide’s Travelogue!) […]

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