What's Happening
At the Turning of Years presents a clear and effective, yet simple methodology of astrological timing using profections and Solar returns.
Koritnik's work is based on fundamental principles laid out by Hellenistic astrologers of antiquity and doesn’t require any aid from computer software. While firmly rooted in tradition it also features innovations which are a product of Koritnik's extensive empirical research and broad knowledge of traditional astrology of both East and West.
Join us to learn more about how this methodology was developed and other gems from the making of this new addition to the pantheon of astrology books! Attendees will be able to ask the author questions during the meeting, so come prepared! See you there!
Where It's Happening
Rok Koritnik
From the words of the author himself
I was born and raised in central Slovenia and my quest into the mystery of life began early in my childhood. During my life I experienced many injuries to the body and other health problems which made me hungry for an understanding of why there is suffering and how this manifested world operates.
When the 8th house of my horoscope became highlighted I got into mysticism, explored mythologies of different cultures and my quest eventually led me to India where I traveled far and wide, from the south all the way to the Himalayas, gathering precious experiences and knowledge. Soon I got actively involved with a particular branch of Vedic spirituality which led me to the study of Bhagavad-Gita, Sri Isopanishad and Bhagavata Purana along with other works of Indian spiritual literature. Since philosophy and astrology are deeply connected I was soon intrigued by it. … I began to study tropical Western astrology. I studied on my own, with the help of various books, read horoscopes for my friends, examined various charts and was generally quite happy with the development of my practice, but I was still intrigued by the Indian astrological techniques and concepts, since my philosophical background was Vedic, but I had difficulty switching over due to the difference in zodiac being used. I was set on a tropical zodiac and I was ready to switch to Indian Vedic astrology only if I would find convincing arguments in favor of the sidereal zodiac.
To my great surprise I came across Vedic astrologers who were using the tropical zodiac. I was delighted to see that Indian astrology is not necessarily bound to sidereal zodiac. After some exploration of Indian astrological systems, I felt at home in Jaimini’s system of astrology which attracted me by its mystique, elegance, simplicity and profoundness.
My interest in ancient astrology eventually brought me back to the West and I began studying what is today known as Hellenistic astrology. I was amazed by its orderly, very rational and systematic approach and also by its incredible similarity to Indian astrology. Today this forms the basis of my work, but I also incorporate certain elements of Indian astrology. I find that the two systems complement each other beautifully and if there is something I enjoy very much it is synthesis.
Since I strongly believe in balance I also enjoy art, specifically music which compliments my rational endeavors in astrology beautifully. I’m a passionate music producer, world flutist, percussionist and synthesist. I’ve also been practicing Rei-ki for many years for which I am extremely grateful as it has been a valuable gift and a great aid on my path. I enjoy nature, especially mountains, which are my biggest inspiration and I love to sit in silence and simply observe Life.
A form of Life, Rok Koritnik
Jenn Zahrt, PhD
Jenn Zahrt is an author, publisher, and teacher of cultural astronomy and astrology. In 2017 she was appointed as an Honorary Research Fellow at the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. She researches the many forms of astrology emergent across human cultures past and present, with a special focus on early twentieth-century German culture. She has taught and lectured domestically and internationally in places such as Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany. She is the founder of Revelore Press, creative director of the Sophia Centre Press, and the deputy editor of the peer-reviewed journal Culture and Cosmos. In 2020 she became the Senior Editor of The Mountain Astrologer, and in 2021 she founded the Celestial Arts Education Library Institute in Olympia, WA, where she currently lives. Discover more of her work: www.jennzahrt.com.
Additional Information
This event is sponsored by Revelore Press