Within Orb Episode 44 with Sarah L’Hrar

Astrologer and teacher Sarah L’Hrar joins host Jenn Zahrt from Montreal, Québec in Canada to cover books, imaginary BFF authors, and more! Tune in to hear all about: astral themes and evolutionary possibility; the roots of karmic astrology; Mars-ing all over someone (oops!); “minor” aspects; humanistic astrology; astrological osmosis and receiving authors’ personality in textual form; words as beautiful access points to something more; the perfect birth chart aspect for an astrologer; Kabbalistic astrology; the coolest Middle Ages rock-and-roll astro dude; the beans and rice of books!; and the Yod formation. Plus: know thyself (then duck!), the Nixon administration, and falling in friendship!

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Within Orb Episode 43 with Jean Eon

Astrologer, musician, artist, and filmmaker Jean Eon beams in from North Carolina to connect with host Jenn Zahrt about the upcoming astrological virtual reality event at the Astrohut on May 12th! The two also chat about books and more, including: getting outside the box; when descriptions of the signs line up accurately; how there is more to reality than we know; nonstandard experiences with spiritual overtones; creating calm out of chaos; contradictions in astrology; intuition versus rationality; footnotes as a map to mini library encounters; Vedic astrology; and vehicles for connection and conversation in 3D. Plus: The Lawnmower Man, falling into the twelfth house, and… what do Ben Franklin and Mary Poppins have in common?

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