Within Orb Episode 51 with Travis Black

Astrologer, magician, and bodyworker Travis Black joins host Jenn Zahrt from Seattle, Washington to chat books and more! Together, the duo tackle a lot of ground, including: decoding planetary magic; Vedic astrology; the Plutonian elements of a famous TV reboot; Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions; planetary cancellation conditions; finding the least worst astrology; ritual and timing recipes; Jupiter in Gemini and Lemminkäinen; myth knowledge and cultural exploration; barycenters; astrology as an access point to philosophy, science, psychology, divinities, literature, and more; citing your sources; observational astronomy; telescopes and theodolites; images of synodic cycles; Dark Moon Lilith; and getting comfortable with not knowing. Plus: Twin Peaks, the “Gideon” ephemeris, and… it’s the water!

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Within Orb Episode 50 with Drew Levanti

Astrologer and educator Drew Levanti joins host Jenn Zahrt from San Francisco, California to touch base about astrology (and non-astrology) books! The pair cover a lot of ground, including: following Jupiter lines in hindsight; jumping into the deep end of the book pool; the presence of a chorus of ancestors and a loosing of the bond; how elements can mix in different proportions; letting the silence fill us; how 9/11 transformed ideologies around death; coming apart and coming together; death charts as the birth of the afterlife; time twins; termination versus inception; the Orphic Hymns; the importance of remembering the soul discourse; and a bounty of cemetery stories. Plus: tightrope walkers, shell mounds and the Albany Bulb, and… a tender story about organ donation!

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Within Orb Episode 49 with Heather Roan Robbins

Astrologer and author Heather Roan Robbins joins host Jenn Zahrt from Ronan, Montana! Lend your ears as these two pals connect about books and more, including: the pattern and rhythm of the natal chart; Llewellyn George, founder of the first Portland School of Astrology; worldwide myths and fairy tales as an intro to the cosmos; choice-based astrology; how you can’t escape your chart, but you can evolve it; planetary handoffs and the relay race of the birth chart; third house struggles; lived, direct planetary experience and learning; the importance of knowing how to draw a chart; the evolution of astrology; myths, repetition, and iterations of the same pattern; and celestial remedies, paths, and lessons. Plus: potato stamps, telephone operators masquerading as astrologers, and… Heather’s new book drops on June 11!

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