Within Orb Episode 54 with Alberto Forero

Astrologer Alberto Forero joins host Jenn Zahrt from San Francisco, California to offer a myriad of astrology texts, bolstered by his Gemini sense of curiosity! In this comprehensive chat, Alberto and Jenn cover some wonderful territory, including: fixed stars and constellations; bringing astronomy into astrology; the Uranus/North Node conjunction in Taurus; symbolism and metaphors; when astrology went underground; balancing temperament; physiognomy and cultural biases; astro charts with thumbprint patterns; Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta; sensitive degrees; extending ephemerides; a hypothetical map of astro migration and data visualization; fantasteroids; creating degree symbols; and geomancy. Plus: rethinking book cover designs, reporting from humanity’s living room, and… a degree system based on David Bowie albums!

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Within Orb Episode 53 with Amanda Moreno

Astrologer and educator Amanda Moreno joins host Jenn Zahrt from Seattle, Washington to chat books and more! Tune in for a wide-ranging discussion, which includes: astrology, magic, and shamanism; using star stuff to address worldwide issues; the evolution of human thought; planets squaring the nodes as skipped steps; tackling what we’d rather not look at; visions of Lilith; the archetypes of the zodiac; past- and early-life healing and shadow integration work; living in a time of great change and collective liberation; time as multidimensional; and understanding the biases of our craft. All that, plus: buying Aquarian posters at a teen hot spot, Italian restaurant bathrooms, and… can astrology tap into future lives??

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Within Orb Episode 52 with Linda “Moonrabbit” Zlotnick

Astrologer and author Linda “Moonrabbit” Zlotnick joins host Jenn Zahrt from St. Paul, Minnesota to chat all things books – including Moon’s upcoming groundbreaking book on death charts and moving through loss! Don’t miss this mini-lesson on death charts, as the two cover that and more, including: accessing the elements with integrated thinking; Uranus transits and freedom; Saturn, limitations, and internalizing authority; past lives and evolutionary perspectives; how the past isn’t disengaged from the present; eclipses, growth, and change; the 8th house; progressions as reinforcement; and working with folks who have experienced loss. Plus: 1970s library treasures, building blocks, and keeping it simple!

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