Within Orb is our premiere podcast dedicated to exploring the books and texts that have changed our lives, as we grow our astrological practice. Tune in every week to hear our host and founder, Jenn Zahrt, interview a new voice in the field about the books (not always astrological!) that changed how they work with celestial arts.
We hope you enjoy these deep dives into the texts that shape how we think and work with the starry firmament here on Earth

Within Orb is our premiere podcast dedicated to exploring the books and texts that have changed our lives, as we grow our astrological practice. Tune in every other week to hear our host and founder, Jenn Zahrt, interview a new voice in the field about the books (not always astrological!) that changed how they work with celestial arts. You can subscribe via your favorite podcatcher, or head over to our YouTube channel to watch the full conversations via video. We hope you enjoy these deep dives into the texts that shape how we think and work with the starry firmament here on Earth.
Astrologer and author Alan Annand joins host Jenn Zahrt from Toronto in Ontario, Canada! It would be a crime not to pull up a chair for this one, so join the duo as they discuss Vedic astrology and more, including: planetary dignities and rulerships; functional benefics and malefics; the rules of horary; and illuminating Chandra Mangala Yoga and Mahabhagya Yoga! Plus: bookshop angels, passing down sacred knowledge, and “aha moments” that arrive years later!
Alan Annand joins Episode 83 of Within Orb!
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Transcripts available upon request.
Song “Wake Up” used with permission by The E-Block Band.
Episode timestamps (conversation recorded February 2025):
00:31 – Alan Annand is a Canadian astrologer, palmist and author. A former tutor for the British Faculty of Astrological Studies, he’s a graduate of the American College of Vedic Astrology, and Editor-in-Chief for ACVA Publications. He’s a longstanding student of Hart de Fouw, and has practiced astrology for over 40 years. His books on jyotisha – Kala Sarpa, Kama Yoga, Parivartana Yoga, and Stellar Astrology, Volumes 1-4 – have been praised for the quality of their research and writing. He’s also a crime novelist, whose New Age Noir mystery series (Scorpio Rising, Felonious Monk, Soma County) features a Vedic astrologer/palmist.
01:48 – Alan’s first astrology book was A Time for Astrology by Jess Stearn. Early on, he also read Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer by James Braha.
07:52 – If Alan could bring only three books to a deserted island, his first pick would be Astrosynthesis: The Rational System of Horoscope Interpretation According to Morin de Villefranche by Jean-Baptiste Morin de Villefranche and translated by Lucy Little. (Jenn also shouts out her island pick, The Rules of Chart Interpretation by Rod Suskin.)
16:46 – Interlude: Join the CAELi Support Drive and for only $35, you can enjoy your morning beverage out of a gorgeous CAELi mug!
17:33 – Alan’s second choice would be The Horary Textbook: Revised Edition by John Frawley.
19:44 – The third title Alan would bring is Phala Deepika by Mantreshwara and translated by S.S. Sareen. (Alan also mentions the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra!)
31:22 – For beginners, Alan recommends getting a guru, but if books must be mentioned, he suggests Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India by Hart deFouw and Robert Svoboda.
35:49 – Find Alan at his website: https://www.navamsa.com/. And his YouTube channel is: @AlanAnnand.
36:20 – Thanks for listening to Within Orb! If you love the show, please help support it at no cost to you: Follow or subscribe wherever you listen, rate it five stars, or write a happy review! And if you’d like to become a CAELi member or support our work with a contribution of any amount, we’d be delighted – thanks!
Show notes by Jen Braun, JJ Boots Productions LLC.