for the love of astrology...books!
Welcome to our inaugural membership drive!
Too legit! Too legit to quit…
Three hundred years ago, around the time Descartes thought and therefore was, astrology fell from grace.
We can blame the Enlightenment, or the onset of positivism, or even challenges coming from religion… but you know what really killed astrology’s reputation?
Once the printing press democratized access to information, people were able to produce propaganda about the future using astrology as a rationale, and THIS more than any high falutin’ ivory tower machinations is what damaged astrology in the populace (well in the West… because India didn’t have this problem. Their problem was using palm leaves, one of the first writing surfaces, and also the most prone to rot…)
So how can astrology restore its reputation?
How can you help people grok that astrology is not hocus pocus, but a really complex subject that takes a lifetime to learn and do well…
You could single-handedly try to convince people, or,
You can join the Celestial Arts Education Library, a space entirely dedicated to preserving and propagating the history, philosophy, and culture of astrological practices across human cultures to right what the Enlightenment got wrong.
When you support CAELi, no matter where you live, you are helping fight three hundred years of cultural oppression.
Lots of people ask if CAELi is a lending library, and if we grow big enough, we CAN be. But right now we are small. While we have a lot of books here, we do not have a lot of tangible support yet, for being able to STAY here. Just look at our current map of US supporters who have joined us so far during this membership drive:

If you are reading this from a state that’s empty, YOUR membership can color it in and help us complete the goal of getting each US state represented. That’s a huge impact!
Speaking of impact, let’s talk about what your membership creates:
a research archive with real materials not collected together in this way by libraries anywhere else
with an actual address and a virtual campus
support for a librarian, an archivist, and staff, who can all curate the collections and provide unlimited resarch support to you
the production of high quality research and books and journals that deepen our field and correct hundreds of years of academic ignorance
Will you join CAELi in restoring astrology to it’s rightful place?
New Trial Membership offer!

For the life-giving sum of $108, you get:
- a half-year membership to CAELi ($25/mo value for $18/mo)
- access to our collection, our virtual campus, and our reference librarian
- unlimited research support
- six scan requests, to start,
- digital access to our new quarterly journal The CAELi Review, and …
- this Saturn stress-relief ball (international shipping extra).
Want a peek inside? Come take a brief tour...

As you cross the threshold and enter the front door, a whole world of astrology awaits you.
The main reading room contains wall to wall shelves of the books you know and love, such as Liz Greene’s Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil, to ones you have yet to meet. From Evangeline Adams to C.C. Zain, the tomes stretch from floor to ceiling reminding you that there’s not enough time in the world to learn all you want to know about astrology.

Enter the "research room"...

The deep teal walls draw your mind into the fathoms. One wall full of shelves displays a suite of all the books used to cast charts by hand, as well as 16 grey boxes filled to the brim with self-published pamphlets on topics such as declination, to retrogrades, and the planets and diet, and so much more. As you sit down at one of the two white desks, you see an entire set of Project Hindsight pamphlets surrounded by copies of journals and magazines published in our community over the years. Toward the back of the room, you’ll find works that discuss the history of astrology and related esoteric arts and biographies of astrologers, some pop almanacs, and tucked inside the room’s closet, Marion D. March’s binders full of… charts she studied in her lifetime of research.
Class is in!
At the back of the main room, you see an aurora. The darkest room in the building has been painted coral, like blushing clouds at dawn, heralding in a new era of celestial arts education. The back wall of the classroom contains works on Vedic astrology, foreign-language titles, including our robust collection of German works, and a set of books and materials sent to us from the estate of Rockie Gardiner, famed LA astrologer whose syndicated column put her on the same map as Sydney Omarr.

. . . and, we even have astrological cookbooks…
How can we leave that out! As you enter the breakroom/kitchenette to top up your caffeine levels, an entire column of Planets in Transit is capped like a celestial mushroom with a shelf of actual food cookbooks to delight your astrological appetite. An assortment of tea and coffee awaits you in the ombre CAELi mug.
And if you look behind you, just past the chimney, you can see a glass case that has signed books, card decks, games and DVDs and films created by astrologers.
We cannot wait for your (virtual and actual) visit!

Sign up as an annual member, and enjoy print copies of The CAELi Review, 24 scan requests, and all the perks of membership: CLICK HERE.
Become a Sponsor
Care to show greater support? The following ideas are just a few ideas of how to sponsor activities at CAELi:
- You may sponsor one or more episodes of our Within Orb podcast.
- You may sponsor our librarian with an endowed chair.
- You may apply to name one of our reading rooms.
- You may create a scholarship for researching astrologers.
- You may endow us to make our collections more accessible (audiobook and braille translations).
If any of these options appeal to you, and you’d like to make a more permanent show of support for CAELi and its mission, please contact us to discuss your vision.