Within Orb Episode 59 with John M. Zambarano

Astrologer John Zambarano joins host Jenn Zahrt from Rhode Island to discuss astrological traditions, books, and more! Join Jenn and John as they cover: fixed star Spica and heliacal rising; the importance of the source text Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (aka BPHS!); reading Sanskrit; working with Mars on Tuesday; the value of knowing your lineage; research on polyamory and non-monogamy; triplicity rulers of the houses; divisional charts (and dividing a sign into 300 segments!); the Dodecatemoria; numerology; planetary efficacy; Venus and Mars remedies; the Dasha system; and tertiary progressions. Plus: mantras, the far side of the Moon, and… nothing wrong with Libras!!

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