Within Orb Episode 39 with Jenn Zahrt

Surprise!!! CAELi’s executive director Dr. Jenn Zahrt sits down in the hot seat with producer and guest host Jen Braun for an April Fools’ Day episode! In addition to founding the Celestial Arts Education Library, Jenn is an astrologer, author, publisher, poet, translator, and teacher. In this one-of-a-kind, personal interview, Jenn shares the significant life event that had her questioning her spirituality at a tender young age, and the history and mission of CAELi. Join the double Jennns as they chat about: rescuing multiple book collections; granular research into various editions of the same text; astrology as nouns and verbs; herbs, planets, and astrological medicine; how temperament fosters tolerance; writing daily horoscopes; the concept of beginner’s mind when learning astrology; the pencil-thin astrology book you didn’t know you needed; the importance of humanistic astrology; multiplicity in what many think of as “traditional astrology”; Liz Greene’s hidden gem; and fusing medieval astrology with solar arcs and midpoints. All that, plus: anthropological fantasies, eating jalapeños for anger, and… jam with us if you owned a Walkman, too!

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